Well it's final here, "the Oscars of hairdressing," the 2016 L'Oreal Colour Trophy grand final! #lct16


We are at L'Oreal headquarters London where we will be recreating our winning "Autumn Sunset" inspired, boho chic look from the Northwestern final.  Here we will be scrutinised & judged before they announce the regional overall winner and the national winner at this evenings black tie event at the O2 intercontinental hotel!


We will be up against the top 4 finalist from each of the 9 regional heats across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  The standard is so high so competition will be fierce!  Fingers crossed we have done a good job and have a chance of bringing the L'Oreal Colour Trophy home to Liverpool for the first time in its 61 year history!!🙏🏽






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